Archive for ABH Book Club

Anywhere But Here, Episode 128 – ABH Book Club: Night of The Living Dummy III

Posted in Podcast with tags , , , , , , , , on July 11, 2015 by Tom Austin-Morgan


In this third episode of the Anywhere But Here Book Club Ant and Tom finish R. L. Stein’s trilogy of ‘Night of The Living Dummy’ books.

There’s a new, but all too familiar, dummy wreaking havoc on Trina, her brother Dan and their wimpish cousin Zane. Oh yeah, there’s also a attic full of ventriloquist dummies, but will our old friend Slappy return in this book?

It seems that R. L. Stein’s writing style has mature somewhat, or is that just a result of our strange, tired and slightly inebriated minds?

We are joined by Andrew (M3JCNV) Bartlett from several podcasts, including but not limited to; Two Loose Screws, Mating Habits of the Modern Geek, Alpha Counter and his very own podcast Room 173, to give us our reading for the next episode. Lemony Snicket’s – A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning

We look forward, as always, to your e-mails, tweets and Facebook messages to hear your opinions, views and reviews on anything we have talked about.

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Anywhere But Here, Episode 119 – Powerwall, Periscope and Princess Naming

Posted in Podcast with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 8, 2015 by Tom Austin-Morgan


On this weeks episode of Anywhere But Here Ant answers the question everyone is asking: What does it sound like when a trombonist sneezes while playing?

Tom talks about how he’s getting on in his new job. Which leads to how Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, unveiled a battery that could change the world.

Ant and Tom predict the possible names of the new Princess, is  on the cards for a middle name? s it too controversial? What do you think the name will be?

Periscope has come to the fore of citizen journalism in the last few weeks and we’ve jumped on the bandwagon, so come and follow us on there. A journalist in Nepal was able to report from earthquake hit Nepal, but Ant and Tom couldn’t get it to work from the bottom of the garden!

Geek topics are covered, from Daredevil that Tom has finished but Ant hasn’t, to Age of Ultron, which Ant has seen and Tom hasn’t.

No low-flying planes this week, but the guys are joined by a pigeon and a wasp.

ABH Book Club will be becoming a regular show, but which book should we review next? Suggest one via one of the links below.

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Anywhere But Here, Episode 117 – Star Wars, Daredevil & Batman v Superman

Posted in Podcast with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 4, 2015 by Tom Austin-Morgan


Ant and Tom are back in the same room for this weeks podcast, not just in the same room but in the ABH Pod Pod!

After a bit of clearing up what’s been going on the last few weeks, where Tom finally gives Ant his Birthday present and a bit of a rant about his ex-employer.

Ant has been to see the live action version of Cinderella, which was good and we debate the slew of Disney live action remakes. In the last week there have been a lot of trailers and TV shows to talk about including the new Ant-Man trailer, the astonishing new Star Wars The Force Awakens teaser trailer and the less overwhelming Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice teaser trailer.

All 13 episodes of Daredevil were released onto Netflix last weekend and the boys have watched some of them and report back without spoiling it too badly. The fight scene at the end of episode 2 is the best piece of television either of them have seen in a very long time.

Tom tells the story of the ‘loneliest whale in the world’ the 52 Hertz Whale and the endeavours of scientists and documentary makers to find the whale with the speech impediment.

Ant finishes with the story of the American woman who tried to pay for her shopping with a $1 million dollar bill. We didn’t know this note existed, is it real? Find out by putting this podcast in your ear holes!

Tune in again next week for the first ABH Book Club, where Ant and Tom will be reviewing the first Goosebumps book: Night of the Living Dummy. Read along, if you dare!

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